Overcoming Challenges in a Christian Family by Gorret Kugonza Rusa, National Secretary, Uganda Catholic Women Apostolate (UCWA)

UNCCLA Listens and Speaks #50

November 23, 2023
The Role of the Laity in the Church by Most Rev. Paul Ssemogerere, Archbishop of Kampala and Bishop Chairman of Lay Apostolate Commission
Interreligious Dialogue: Imperative Mission & Ministry for the Church by Rev. Fr. Vincent Karatunga, Executive Secretary for Interreligious Dialogue, Uganda Episcopal Conference
Complementarity of the priestly & laity vocations in the life of the church by Msgr. Lawrence Ssemusu, Chaplain - Makerere University Business School & Chaplain - Catholic Professionals Kampala Archdiocese
Business: Acquiring the Right Entrepreneurial Mindset by Mr. Andrew Niwagira, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Specialist

UNCCLA Listens and Speaks #46

September 28, 2023
The Mission of Christ: Human Integral Development by Mr. Andrew K. Ssekate, Provincial Coordinator of Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), Kampala Ecclesiastical Province.

UNCCLA Listens and Speaks #45

September 14, 2023
Youth and Faith: Engaging the Next Generation of Legion of Mary by Mr. Aloysius Kiribaki, President, Senatus of Uganda, Legion of Mary governing Council in Uganda
Living Christian Values in the Workplace by Mr. Francis Nsanga, Knowledge Management Expert & Chairman Busoga Catholics in Kampala
Small Christian Communities: A pastoral priority in evangelisation by Rev. Fr. Dan Manzi, Parish Priest, Ngarama Parish, Mbarara Archdiocese
Rising crisis in the family and school. The role of a professional Counsellor by Mrs. Olivia Kisubika, Marriage, Family and School Counsellor